Monday, March 17, 2008
Red the colour of anger but usually used for Love... Don't you think so0? Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.. Did i ever said, That i am missing You? hahaha...
I'm just hanging down my pillow and my head is spinning. Got nothing to do and I feel like going out, which I feel kind of lazy to0. Y'know... When you go out, it's obvious that you'll spend your money. So0, yeah... hahaha...
Hey, did I mentioned to you peeps about Step Up 2? Well, it's HOTT!!! Seriously, I don't know how y'all rate it but i think i'm going to give it 5 out of 5. Wanna know why? Cause I believe it's not to0 short of a story nor to0 long. Short and simple, i'd say. Other than the story, the effects and dance... SUPERB!!!! haha... Call me Metal girl all you want, that doesn't mean that I don't have any interest to the other side of the world, if y'know what I mean? haha...
Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others! That's me and my lovely, Bob. He's so0 cute, right? haha.. Missing him so0 much. I wish he's here with me, sharing every moment of loneliness. If only, seriously... If this were to be carto0n and he knows how to use email. Damn! Every day I'd email him w/o fail. hahaha... I remember on those days when I got to rehearse to dance for scho0l competiton (remember girls?) ... He'll be watching and the next thing I know, he's fast asleep. Wonder if our dance is damn boring or our dance is to0 complicated for him that he got dizzy and dose of to sleep. hahaha... Love, love him... Muacks!!
? a life to0 precious to WASTE.
1:13 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Who is that?
This has been a long time since I write blog, right? And yeah, i did said that I may not even write it no more or stopped blogging here n preferred leather bo0k... Well, let's just say whenever i do not update my blog it means im on a long vacation n posts are in leather bo0k... hahaha... I kind miss blogging though, cuz i see dust around my computer if ya know what i mean... hahhaa... Let's just put aside my boredness for not having updated computer for a while..
--> let's just start...
I was standing upfront and was excited for the show to start. He was behind, black and dull but lighted and shine by his personality. They know him and adores him. I? I have no clue of him. Who he is, was the last thing on my mind and to know he's huge.... Turns me off, cuz i know that I won't get close to even say my name to him.
Charming and sweet. He's every girls treat. Delicious to see but expensive to eat. Whoever he is, it's nice to see he exist. Which I wish i exist in his eyes that sees....
To0 bad, so0 sad. Life's just like that. No one does see what is infront of them until it drifted far far far away...
? a life to0 precious to WASTE.
11:43 PM