Saturday, July 28, 2012
Something to share
Alhamdulillah... Once more we meet again, Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah... May this Ramadhan be better than the Ramadhan before. Insya'Allah....
As life goes on, i took a detour to the natural disposition of complete way of life. I realized there were obstacles that i have to encounter. Challenges that i least expected. However, with this storm i learnt that a great sailor will not be a great sailor without a storm. Nevertheless, i did some wrong that i have no intentions to do so. It just happened that, i didn't realize it was sinful. Astarghfirullahal'azim...
I have no intention to hurt anyone and I have no intention to make things bad. I wanted to do good and sometimes my reactions can be unreasonable as i was angry. When people are angry they would say things they never meant to say or even want to say it at all if they aren't angry. But we can't turn back time, what's done is done. All i can do is forgive and forget. Seek forgiveness to those involved.
I don't call myself pious or pretend to be one. I am not a saint nor someone who is pure. People wronged me, say things about, assumed things but I am just doing what i do best. Share.
Sharing is an act that shows you care. Sharing is a solution from one to another to choose. Sharing is an experience. Sharing is what made up the world news. Sharing is a choice.
Sharing can be good and can be bad. Depends on what you are sharing. Sometimes, your intention of sharing can attract doubts from people around you. My advise is stay true to yourself and do it for the sake of Allah. Insya'Allah. HE is All Knowing.
? a life to0 precious to WASTE.
8:01 AM